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Asking 178 questions to 2500 kids, the Never Before Project compiled two survey titled, PCASI (Pentecostal/Charismatic Adolescent Survey Instrument) and the African Adolescent & Youth Survey Instrument, asked some of the questions like:


- I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins.

- The impeccability of Jesus Christ.

- I can use archaeology to know my faith.

- I believe the Bible is historically accurate and not rewritten.


Here is a few of our findings:





















If you are interested in learning more about this one of a kind research, please call to set up a presentation of research of denomination/networks on findings to use for practical application.

The Never Before Project in conjunction with the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, has completed the first research of ten denominational network families:


  1. Oneness

  2. Trinitarian

  3. Church of God

  4. Assemblies of God

  5. FourSquare

  6. IPHC

  7. Mainline

  8. Non-Denominational

  9. Church of God in Christ

  10. Pentecostal Church of God


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